Monday, September 27, 2010's been a while...'s been a while. And I really don't have an excuse. But I will play catch-up.

Let's see...since that last time that I wrote, I left for college! That's probably the biggest change in my life. College is....well, college. Haha. It's everything and a bag of chips! Really though, I do love it. I went to a college in Utah, which is far away from my home. But I do have family here, which makes it all better.

I also went to a Carrie Underwood concert!! I had 5th row seats, so it was AMAZING! Might have been one of the best concerts ever. That is, next to Taylor Swift. That was a pretty amazing concert too!

A couple days before I came down here to college, my friend and I took a little road trip to Seattle. We went to the Gum Wall for the first time, which was cool, but yet really disgusting. Then we went to the Seattle Aquarium, Pike's Place, and the waterfront. We finished the day by getting lost trying to find our car! We had a great day, though!

I'll update some more in other posts with pictures!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Updated Numero 2...Utah!


Emmalyn just waiting for her food.


Me and Brooklyn


Me and Bella

So, this update is an older one. Over Christmas break, I went down to visit my cousins in Utah, might as well be my home-away-from-home. I was only able to be there for a week, which my cousin, Matti, and I agreed wasn't long enough. So, when I go down there this summer, I'll be there for 3 weeks. =] Anyways, here are some pictures that I got. I wasn't able to get a whole lot of pictures because I left my camera battery charger at hoome (now I just can't find my camera) so we went through a huge event just trying to get a new charger.

When I was there, I got to meet my new twin cousins, Emmalyn and Brooklyn for the first time, and my cousin, Oliver, had just turned one. Anywhoo, here are the pictures. =]

Multi-culteral girl....

Little A's grandma went to Korea and got her a Korean Princess dress. While she was over at my house, I took her outside and took some pictures of her. Here's only a handful. I have LOTS of them!! Enjoy!! =]

Senior pics...

My mom and I went out and got some Senior Pictures taken. Here are a few...I ended up not like quite a few of them, but here is a little taste at what I got. =]

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures....

During the month of February, Aleecya turned 3. Wow....just wow. I can't believe she's already 3. Boy does time sure fly. For her actual birthday, she was with her dad. So, for the day after her birthday, we had a little "family" party. Her stepdad, mom, 2 brothers, and I met at her mom's house, unwrapped presents, and had cake and ice cream.

A couple weeks later, we had a small party. Here are some pictures from her birthday, party, and some 3 yr pics. =] The two at the bottom are from her actual birthday. The other's are from her party, and the first few are some of her 3 year pictures that I took. =]

So....update numero 1....

Ok, beware for an onslot of updates. =] I have a lot to go through. So, I'll start with college.
I found out, starting from Christmas break, that I got into 3 colleges, Southern Utah University, University of Utah, and Grand Canyon University. Which one am I going to?? I have no idea. I honestly cant decide. It's just such a hard desicion...but, here's a "YAHOO!!!!!" to me! =]

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I feel like an official blog looser. I FINALLY come visit my blog, come to realize that my last post was from November, and my background was still Christmas. Yes, it is now the middle of March. what? I don't really have that much to update one. Oh heck, what am I talking about? I have tons to update on! Those updates will come eventually, maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow after school. But, I promise I haven't completely dropped this blog yet!! =] I'll be back later! Now, off to change my background. =]